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    ProfITsoft invites all specialists from insurance companies to join a free two-month course on insurance company automation based on its own platform — a comprehensive insurance company automation system.

    Course Description:

    • The course consists of 24 lectures.
    • Includes practical sessions and assignments.
    • The course concludes with a comprehensive test.
    • Upon completion, ProfITsoft issues certificates for administrators of the comprehensive automation system for insurance companies.

    We invite everyone from insurance companies to take this course. The first lecture will begin on November 19, 2024, and the final test will take place at the beginning of February.
    To participate, you need to:

    • Fill out the registration form,
    • or send an official letter from the insurance company.

    Course Topics:

    1. Insurance Theory. Key terms and business processes in insurance companies.
    2. Administration. Setting up the sales network, creating users, registration requests, configuring access rights.
    3. Counterparties and their classification. Contracts: entry and search.
    4. Agency contracts. Setting up commission rewards, authorizations.
    5. Form accounting. Contracting on forms, accounting for original contracts.
    6. Underwriting. Configuring contract verification and approval rules.
    7. Product configurations and Tariff plans. Product and formula constructor.
    8. Contract printed form setup. Document templates.
    9. Master contracts. Contract import module.
    10. Supplementary agreements. Contract termination, batch processing.
    11. Finance. Accruals and payments, payment imports, and linking.
    12. Commission reward accrual and payment.
    13. Claims handling. Damage notifications, insurance cases, insurance acts, settlement authorizations.
    14. Direct settlement. Regression implementation.
    15. Claims Constructor. Expense items, document configuration in claims handling.
    16. Health insurance (DMS). Contract entry, assistance, and DMS claims handling.
    17. Facultative Reinsurance. Inward and outward reinsurance.
    18. Obligatory Reinsurance. Inward and outward reinsurance.
    19. Financial monitoring. Controlled entities, configuration, and verification process.
    20. Reports. Overview of key system reports and their formation features.
    21. MTIBU. MTIBU data export configuration, integration with the “Electronic Policy” system.
    22. System Log Overview. Notifications.
    23. API. System services overview, authentication, API setup, API service call log.
    24. Online store and Client access (IMCD). Configuration and use.